

Research on the Ministry of Commerce's Attitude about Applying Antitrust Standards Through the "GM and Delphi" Merger Case
摘要 在经济全球化的浪潮之下,企业合并成为增强其国际竞争力的重要途径,而合并由于极易导致经营者获得市场支配地位从而有能力限制市场竞争,一直是反垄断法关注的重点。2008年8月1日正式施行的《中华人民共和国反垄断法》把经营者的合并行为作为核心内容之一,第一次对其进行系统全面的反垄断规制,彻底终结了在我国经营者合并长期以来缺乏高位阶反垄断规则的历史。文章通过对经商务部审核最终附条件通过的"通用—德尔福"合并案的介绍与分析,在商务部反垄断标准适用的态度转换与现在仍存在的问题上做了深入的思考,以期为我国刚起步的反垄断执法体系提出相关建议。 Under the tide of economic globalization,more and more enterprises choose to merger to enhance their international competitiveness.Since merger is an important way for enterprises to create a dominant position in the relevant market and impede effective competition,it is widely deemed as a key issue concerned by antitrust measure.China's Antitrust Law(CAL)which took effect on August 1st 2008 sets up comprehensive rules of merger control for the first time.Through the introduction and analysis of the "GM and Delphi" merger case which finally got conditional pass after the antitrust scrutiny,this paper makes in-depth thinking in the conversion of the the Ministry of Commerce's attitude about applying antitrust standards and the problems still exiting,hoping to provide some suggestions for the beginning law-enforcing system on anti-monopoly in China.
作者 黄橙紫
机构地区 山东大学法学院
出处 《南华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第2期58-61,共4页 Journal of University of South China(Social Science Edition)
关键词 企业合并 反垄断 审查标准 “德尔福—通用”合并案 merger of enterprises antimonopoly scrutiny standard the "GM and Delphi" merger case
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