Positional fluctuation of infrared peaks may be caused by the actual frequency shift of a single band or alternatively by the relative intensity changes of closely overlapped bands. This article demonstrates that the origin of positional fluctuation of spectral features may often be caused by the latter mechanism, which can be determined effectively using principal component analysis (PCA). PCA is a sensitive tool to detect the difference between the true frequency shift of a single band and apparent peak maximum shift caused by relative intensity changes of overlapped adjacent bands. The notion of so-called "band shift" induced by the change in the strength of molecular interaction, which is well-entrenched in the field of vibrational spectroscopy, is somewhat misleading since it implicitly suggests the intrinsic shift of the band frequency. In many IR spectra, the apparent positional shifts of peak maxima seem to occur due to relative contribution changes of two overlapped bands, instead of the gradual frequency shift of a single band induced by the change in the strength of molecular interactions. The insight should help the interpretation of molecular interactions probed by vibrational spectroscopy.
Life Science Instruments