
一种考虑QoS的多媒体业务跨层设计 被引量:2

Cross-layer Design Considering the Multimedia Services of QoS
摘要 现有跨层设计主要考虑2层联合设计,且在一个物理帧中只能插入一种业务类型,其功能和效率都受到限制。针对该问题,采用结合应用层的多层联合设计保证业务QoS要求,实现一个物理帧中插入多种多媒体业务类型。通过仿真验证了采用跨层设计方案的可行性,同时验证了该系统性能的优越性。 Currently,most cross-layer design used joint two-layers design,and it could only insert one class of service in a physical layer frame,which introduced functional and efficiency limitations.Combining with application layer,a multi-layer design architecture was proposed.This scheme could provide QoS guarantees and insert more than one class of multimedia services in a physical layer frame.The performance results of the scheme showed that the cross-layer design was applied and the system performance was improved.
作者 马文星
出处 《重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)》 CAS 2011年第6期90-94,共5页 Journal of Chongqing University of Technology:Natural Science
基金 重庆市自然科学基金资助项目(CSTC 2006BB2163)
关键词 跨层设计 多媒体业务 服务质量 cross-layer design multimedia services quality of service
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