
关于尤卡山项目的一些思考 被引量:3

Some considerations related to Yucca Mountain project
摘要 简要论述了美国尤卡山项目研发的历史进程,讨论了该项目目前的进展状态,以及由此引出可供我国高放废物地质处置研发工作值得思考的若干问题。笔者认为,目前尤卡山项目进展受阻的主要原因是政治因素,而不是场址的自然条件和科学技术因素。关于该项目的不同意见之争还将会继续下去,最后可能只有通过进一步的科学论证和法律途径得以解决。 The history of research and development of Yucca Mountain project and the current status of this project are briefly given in this paper.Meanwhile some considerations was drawn from this project which may be useful for the future research and development of high-level radioactive waste disposal in China.It is suggested that the reasons for serious delays of Yucca Mountain project are mainly political factors rather than the natural conditions and the scientific and technological factors of the site.The contention related to this project will go on and the final solution may need the further scientific argumentation and also legal action of the site.
作者 徐国庆
出处 《世界核地质科学》 CAS 2011年第2期104-111,共8页 World Nuclear Geoscience
关键词 尤卡山项目 高放废物处置 处置库场址 Yucca Mountain project high-level radioactive waste disposal repository site
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