目的探讨腘静脉嵌压综合征(PVES)的诊治。方法回顾性分析61例PVES患者的临床资料。男39例,女22例;年龄34-58岁(平均44.5岁)。左侧31例,右侧20例,双侧10例。25例表现为单纯小腿肿胀、静脉曲张及色素沉着,36例为反复淤滞性皮炎、小腿胀痛,其中8例长期溃疡不愈。病程5-20年,42例疑诊为"下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全",19例诊断为"单纯大隐静脉曲张",10例曾行大隐静脉高位结扎及分段剥脱术。6例经彩色B超检查发现。所有患者均经下肢顺行静脉造影,狭窄程度均达70%以上。根据造影,属高位狭窄11例,中位狭窄14例,低位狭窄36例。25例由于症状相对较轻,采用循环驱动袜治疗。36例因症状严重,行手术治疗。结果 25例保守治疗者,经循环驱动袜治疗后,小腿肿胀和疼痛均有不同程度改善。36例手术患者症状减轻,静脉溃疡均在术后1个月内完全愈合,29例随访3个月至5年,13例己经放弃弹力袜工作和生活,16例在长时间站立后仅内踝部轻度肿胀,以间断弹力袜治疗,另7例失访。结论腘静脉嵌压综合征临床表现与下肢深静脉功能不全极为相似,很容易被误诊,应予重视。对严重患者手术治疗可取得良好疗效。
Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of popliteal venous entrapment syndrome(PVES).Methods The clinical data of 61 patients with PVES were retrospectively analyzed.Of the patients,39 were males and 22 females.Their ages ranged from 34 to 58 years with average age of 44.5 years.The lesions affected 31 left legs,20 right legs and 10 bilateral legs.Twenty-five patients presented with calf swellings,hyperpigmentations and varicosities,and 36 patients presented with stasis dermatitides and calf pains including 8 cases of stasis ulcers in affected legs.The disease durations of patients ranged from 5 to 20 years.Forty-two patients were suspected to have lower extremity deep vein valve insufficiency,and 19 patients were diagnosed as varicosity of the greater saphenous vein.Ten patients had previously experienced high ligation and stripping of the great saphenous vein.Popliteal vein entrapment was suggested by B-mode Doppler ultrasound in 6 patients.All patients underwent anterograde low limb venography and the results showed stenosis ratios were more than 70% in all the patients.There were 11 cases of upper segment stenosis,14 cases of middle segment stenosis and 36 cases of low segment stenosis according to the venography.Popliteal vein release operation was performed in the 36 patients with severe symptoms,and the medical compression stockings were used in the remaining 25 patients with milder symptoms.Results The swellings and pains were lessened to varying degrees in the 25 patients undergoing conservative treatment after wearing the compression stockings.The symptoms were alleviated and venous ulcerations were resolved within 1 month after surgery in the 36 operated patients,among which 29 cases were followed up for 3 months to 5 years,13 of them could have a normal work and life without the compression stockings,while 16 cases required intermittent use of the stockings due to mild swelling in the inner side of ankle after standing for long periods of time.Seven cases were lost to follow-up.Conclusions Clinical manifestations of PVES are similar to those of venous insufficiency of lower extremity and it is easy to be misdiagnosed.For severe cases of PVES,satisfactory results can be achieved by surgical treatment.
China Journal of General Surgery
Popliteal Venous Entrapment Syndrome/surg
Popliteal Venous Entrapment Syndrome/diag Differential Diagnosis
Release Operation