
发展中的知识城市——整合城市、企业和大学的校园发展战略 被引量:6

Developing Knowledge Cities:Aligning Urban,Corporate and University Strategies for Campus Development
摘要 知识城市的成功发展越来越依赖于城市与区域管理部门、知识型机构与企业之间的合作。政策制定者和商业战略家已经认识到,在知识经济中这些参与者拥有相互关联的发展目标,并在共同网络中发挥着各自不同的作用。他们也将物质环境视为实现目标的重要资源。当合作从认知层面转向行动层面时,快速变化的背景环境要求更加快速的合作步伐。最终,为了发展能够参与全球竞争的知识城市,需要形成城市、企业和大学之间的战略联盟。管理作为知识城市发展基础的大学校园,是一项涉及大学内部和外部众多利益相关者的工作,并意味着要整合战略、金融、职能和物质空间等方面的各种观点。越来越多的高等教育机构(HEIs:highereducationinstitutions)已经认识到了校园在吸引和留住学生与员工方面的作用。越来越多的研究——对国际案例研究的比较分析——已表明,在一个城市有无大学与城市对企业和社会机构选址入驻的吸引力之间,存在着明确的相关关系。同时,越来越多的大学表现出了致力于解决其所在城市社会问题的责任感。在这篇文章中,我们将遵循4个主要步骤来进行校园发展的战略设计,并通过从学术文献、实验数据和案例研究等途径获得的支撑资料来对此进行说明。 The successful development of knowledge cities increasingly depends on collaboration between urban and regional authorities, knowledge institutions and businesses. Policy makers and business strategists do acknowledge the interrelated objectives of these actors in the knowledge economy and their different roles in a common network. They also identify the physical settings as an important resource to achieve mutual goals. While a shift from awareness to active collaboration is taking place, the rapidly changing context demands a faster pace. Ultimately, alignment of urban, corporate and university strategies is required to develop knowledge cities that can compete internationally. Managing the university campus - as the basis of a knowledge city - is a task of many stakeholders within and outside universities and implies the integration of strategic, financial, functional and physical perspectives. Increasingly higher education institutions (HEI) acknowledge the role of the campus in attracting and retaining students and employees. More and more research comparative analysis of international case studies - has shown that there is a clear relationship between the presence of a university and the appeal of a city as a location for businesses and institutions. At the same time more and more universities are showing a sense of responsibility to make a contribution to the solution of social and societal problems in their city. In this article we follow four main steps in strategy design for campus development and illustrate these steps with findings from literature, empirical data and case studies.
出处 《国际城市规划》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期50-59,共10页 Urban Planning International
关键词 知识城市 大学校园 校园管理 大学-城市合作 城市发展 Knowledge City University Campus Campus Management University-city Collaboration Urban Development
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