4See Country Report: Sudan, the Courier ACP-EU, November-December 2001, Published by the Director General for Development, pp. 62 - 65.
5See Francis Mading Deng, Africans of Two Worlds : The Dirtka in Afro - Arab Sudan, New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1978, pp.130- 142.
6Wilson Cash, The Changing Sudan, London: Christian Mission Society, 1930, p. 54.
7Mahgoub Ahmed Kurdi, The Encounter of Religions : An Analysis of the Problem of Religion in Southern Sudan, Ann Arbor, Michigan : University Microfilms International and Bell and Howell Information Company, 1991, p. 183.
8"The Expulsion of Foreign Missionaries and Priests from the Southern Provinces", The Black Book of the Sudan on the Exptdsion of the Missionaries from the South Sudan, Verona, Italy: Verona Fathers, 1964, pp.16- 17.
9Bona Malwal, People and Power in Sudan, London : Ithaca Press, 1981, p. 17.
10Mohamed Suliman, "18 Years of Civil War in the Sudan", http: //home. planet.nl/ende 98/pages/information/18-years. htm.