
城市拆迁冲突公共治理的文化价值视域 被引量:9

Public Governance of Social Clashes Surrounding Urban Housing Demolition and Relocation in China:A Cultural Value Viewpoint
摘要 社会公共治理强调公共权力部门、营利组织、社会组织和公民个人之间建立合作导向的协商机制,这要求它们在化解城市拆迁冲突的文化价值方面达成观念上的共识,这也是民间力量推动城市拆迁制度变革的努力方向。制度建构与维持的精神根源是文化信念,因此,尽管拆迁冲突的直接诱因是制度不善导致利益分配不公,但其社会心理因素却是城市拆迁缺乏从政治、经济和社会层面对民生的文化价值伦理的关注;当前,城市拆迁冲突的制度化治理也同样存在文化价值障碍。如此,拆迁冲突情境介入者(拆迁人、被拆迁人和地方公共权力部门)的文化价值更新和社会的文化价值重建对于拆迁冲突的公共治理是至关重要的;当然,也只有建立在深刻认识中国现实文化价值的特质及其与现代民主文化价值差别的基础上,才能形成对于中国合作治理城市拆迁冲突的根本性的路径选择。 Social public governance strengthens the cooperative negotiation mechanism,and in the case of urban housing demolition and relocation in China,also strengthens a common understanding of cultural values among local government,business and social organization and civil individuals.Institutions play an important role in solving the problem of social conflicts and clashes in urban housing demolition and relocation,but so do cultural beliefs.Through a lack of emphasis on cultural values,governments respond in an ineffective way to conflicts that arise from unjust and unequal distribution,resulting in a distortion of cultural ethics,clashes between developing the economy and improving the people's livelihood,and challenges to modernization.So,in order to solve the problem of social conflicts and clash in urban housing demolition and relocation,it is very important to understand and transform cultural values not only for government and business and social organizations,but also for residents.
作者 彭小兵
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期30-38,共9页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70703039) 国家留学基金面上资助项目(留金出[2008]3027号)
关键词 城市拆迁 公共治理 文化价值观 社会冲突 博弈论 urban housing demolition and relocation public governance the idea or view of cultural value social conflicts game theory
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