
石家庄市售面点中铝含量监测与结果分析 被引量:3

Monitoring and analysis on aluminum contents in pastry of Shijiazhuang city
摘要 目的监测石家庄市售面点中铝污染状况,为有效监管面点卫生安全提供科学依据。方法对2009年石家庄市辖区内市场上流通的5类面点进行随机采样,参照GB/T5009.182-2003《面制食品中铝的测定》方法进行监测。结果抽检的5类面点共103份样品,平均合格率为37.9%,其中油条、膨化饼、馒头、面包、西式糕点合格率分别为3.0%、13.3%、81.8%、47.1%、62.5%。结论石家庄市售面点中铝含量超标严重,应加强监督检测。 Objective To monitoring aluminum contamination status in pastry,and provide scientific basis for effectively supervising the safety of pastry.Method Five kinds of samples were randomly collected form the markets of Shijiazhuang in 2009 and referred to GB/T5009.182-2003 Determination of aluminum in flour products to carried on monitoring.Results We total randomly collected 103 samples of 5 different flour products,and the average qualified rate was 37.9%.In them,the qualified rates of deep-fried dough sticks,puffed cake,steamed bread,bread and foreign pastry were 3.0%,13.3%,81.8%,47.1% and 62.5%,respectively.Conclusions The flour products in Shijiazhuang city were seriously polluted by aluminum,so we should enhance aluminum supervision and detection.
出处 《医学动物防制》 2011年第6期561-562,共2页 Journal of Medical Pest Control
关键词 面点 铝含量 检测 分析 Flour products Aluminum contents Detection Analysis
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