
国际软法在主权财富基金监管中的成因、作用及启示 被引量:3

Soft Law in the Legal Regulation of Sovereign Wealth Funds:Reasons,Functions and Revelations
摘要 国际社会出于解决主权财富基金跨境投资法律监管问题的需要,近年来出台了不少新举措。这些实践包括由部分发达国家制定,限制主权财富基金投资战略经济部门的国内法;由国际机构指定,被主权财富基金认可的国际软法规则。在对后者进行研究之后,认为在主权财富基金的监管领域国际立法软法化的原因在于:避免了主权成本、能够回应现实不确定性、允许政策偏好的分歧。软法在该领域起到了提供相对统一的国际标准与为持续磋商奠定基础的重要作用。通过这些分析,对进一步了解、研习国际软法大有裨益。 In order to regulate the sovereign wealth funds,the international community has introduced many new initiatives in recent years.These practices include two various categories: the first one is domestic law measures adopted by some Western countries against SWFs' investments in strategic economic sectors;the second one consists on the issuing by international institutions of soft law principles to be acknowledged by SWFs.After studying the latter one contrapuntally,the authors find the reasons of soft law in the international Legal Regulation of Sovereign Wealth Funds are to save sovereignty costs,to cope with the uncertainty and to allow divergent preferences.Soft law plays a role in providing uniform standards and reaching a basis for the next negotiation in this field.These analyses are beneficial to the further research of international soft law.
作者 刘天姿 练爽
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第2期38-43,共6页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 武汉大学人文社会科学自主项目"主权财富基金跨境投资法律问题研究"
关键词 软法 主权财富基金 监管 圣地亚哥原则 OECD报告 soft law sovereign wealth funds regulation GAPP OECD Report
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