

Actual Nature of Light and the Prediction of the Rapid Development
摘要 物理学史上,有三大主宰着物理学发展的跨世纪大论战,其中前两次论战的主题是光的概念,第三次论战的主题关系整个现代物理,但整个第三次论战被光的概念所主宰。错误的光子概念与第三次论战占了上风的超距心灵作用结合形成物理学最严重的百年大错。研究发现了三大跨世纪论战中造成真理失败的根源。关于光的本性,论文提供了九项证据证明光只是波而不是光子。当人们一旦认识真相,光学、物理学乃至整个自然科学将出现一次突飞猛进的飞跃发展。论文只重点介绍前两次论战的根源和本质,并预测光学、物理学和各相关自然科学将出现的飞跃发展。 In the history of physics, the developments of physics were dependent on the alternate victory and defeat of three cross-century great debates. The main topic of the arguments of the first and the second cross-century great debates are the concept of light. The topic of the arguments of the third great debate in physics was related to the whole modern physics, but the third cross-century great debate depends on photon concept thoroughly. Combination of the wrong concept of light and the third cross century great debate, a misguided century in physics appeared. In this research, the causations of the wrong theories are revealed; and to prove the actual nature of light, nine evidences are provided. After all people know the truth, science will get great progress and rapid development in optics, physics, even the whole fields of science and technolo- gy. In this report, it is emphasized that the actual nature and causations of the first and the second cross-century great debates. And the future rapid development of optics, physics, and some other relative disciplines are predicted.
出处 《光学与光电技术》 2011年第3期1-10,共10页 Optics & Optoelectronic Technology
关键词 光学 光波 微观带电粒子 振动偶极 光与物质相互作用 光电探测 光电效应 康普顿散射 黑体辐射 拉曼散射 正负电子对产生和湮灭 能量共振传递规律 物质自发转变定律 暗物质 光子 波粒二象性 量子纠缠 物理学 量子力学 量子电动力学 量子化学 天体物理 高能物理 核物理 粒子物理 optics light wave micro-particle vibration dipole light-material interaction photoelectric-detection photoelectric-effect Compton scattering black-body radiation Raman scattering electron positron pair creation and annihilation energy resonantly transfer law matter spontaneous transform law dark matter photon wave-particle duality quantum entanglement quantum mechanics quantum electrodynamics quantum chemistry astrophysics high energy physics nuclear physics particle physics
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