
食管鳞癌动物模型的研究进展 被引量:14

Advances in rodent models of human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
摘要 建立和应用真实模拟人类疾病的动物模型,从整体水平动态地揭示肿瘤发生机制,从而寻找防治对策和开发治疗新药,是成功开展转化医学研究的关键.食管癌是最高发的恶性肿瘤之一.由于相关活体动物模型研究和开发的相对滞后,对于食管鳞癌的病因、发病机制和相关分子通路缺乏全面系统深入的认识,直接导致无法有针对性地进行早期分子诊断标志物和有效药物靶点的开发和转化,严重影响早期诊断和治疗预后.合适的动物模型是改变这一现状的关键.本文就食管鳞癌动物模型的种类、构建和应用方面作一综述,并着重介绍了4-硝基喹啉-氧化物(4NQO)化学致癌结合基因工程的小鼠模型. Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is a common form of malignant disease. Appropriate animal models recapitulating human cancers, which are powerful not only for the elucidation of in vivo process and relevantmechanisms of the diseases but also for the evaluation of efficacy and safety of new drugs and management concepts, are critical for the success of translational research. In this context, compared with other malignancies, the present situation for human ESCC that novel discoveries for either diagnostic markers or therapeutic targets as well as the clinical application are out of step (laggard) is largely attributed to the lack of suitable in vivo animal model for this human disease. This article provides an overview of the currently available animal models established for human ESCC, encompassing chemically induced and genetically engineered rodents. Genetically engineered mice coupling induction with 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO) are discussed in more detail.
出处 《世界华人消化杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第16期1704-1710,共7页 World Chinese Journal of Digestology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 No.81071736 No.30973508 教育部高等学校博士点专项基金资助项目 No.20104402110005 广东省高等学校人才引进资金资助项目 No.[2009]109 汕头市科技计划重点基金资助项目 No.[2009]387~~
关键词 食管鳞状细胞癌 基因工程小鼠 4-硝基喹啉-氧化物 转化 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Genetically engineered mice 4-nitroquinoline-1- oxide Transformation
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