在复合膜的制备过程中, 膜材料中高分子聚合物很难混合, 本实验在聚合物- 溶剂- 聚合物体系中加入一种增溶剂, 改变了聚合物在溶液的聚积状态, 由于是部分混溶, 在膜的形成过程中各部分聚合物凝胶机理不一样, 在表面功能层与下部支撑层之间是一层由两种聚合物交叉互相贯穿的网络结构( 即IPN 结构) ,
In the process of producing of composite membrane, it is normally difficult for big molecular polymers to be mixed perfectly ,In this article, a certain kind of solvent used to increase the solubility was added into the polymer solvent polymer system to change the assembling state of the polymers. Because the polymers only could be partly dissolved in the solution,the mechanism was different in the different part of the system.So a layer of interpenetrating network with two kinds of polymers was formed between the upper function surface and the supporting layer beneath. Various kinds of factors, which affected the properties of the membranes, were studied in the article by using orthogonal experiments.
Journal of Tianjin Institute of Technology
国家八六三计划新材料领域资助! 项目编号863 - 715 - 004- 220