This paper describes the effect of Frat-1, Idax and Axam toward the Wnt signaling pathway. The Wnt pathway is an important intracellular signaling pathway that plays a crucial role in the cell cycle process at several levels of development. Understanding this pathway thoroughly will enable identification of new drug targets and thereby open avenues to more effective therapies for a range of Wnt pathway related diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, and mesothelioma. Dishevelled (Dsh) is one of the multi-module proteins working m the Wnt pathway. The function of Dsh depends on the regulators which bind to it, components it interacts with and most importantly the Wnt signal. It is important to note that positive regulators are those factors that induce gene transcription. Conversely, the negative regulators induce β-Catenin degradation. The positive regulator such as Frat- 1 would promote the Wnt signaling pathway and downstream gene transcription. Meanwhile the negative regulator such as Idax and Axam would inhibit the signaling pathway and promotes β-Catenin degradation which will thereby prevent aberrant gene transcription.