
一种基于椭圆曲线的组密钥管理方法 被引量:1

Group key agreement scheme based on elliptic curve crytography
摘要 分析了组密钥的研究现状,并基于椭圆曲线密码体制,提出了一种安全有效的组密钥管理方案,针对网络节点的加入或退出的特点,也提出了有效的组密钥更新方案。与其他组密钥管理方案相比,本方案具有轮数少、通信开销小、计算开销小等特点,适合于Ad Hoc网络环境中使用。 The paper analyzed the current research state of group key management,and presented a secure and efficient group key management scheme based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC).For the sake of node join in or out,a group key renew management scheme was also proposed.Compared with other group key management schemes,this scheme has advantages as low communication cost,low compution cost,fewer communication rounds,especially suitable for Ad Hoc network environments.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第A01期88-90,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 组密钥 椭圆曲线 离散对数 移动自组网 密钥协商 group key elliptic curve discrete logarithm mobile Ad Hoc network key agreement
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