
欧洲高等教育机构分类框架解读 被引量:5

Understanding the Framework of Classifying European Institutions of Higher Education
摘要 欧洲高等教育机构分类法是欧盟高等教育政策影响下的直接产物,它通过教学、学生、科研、知识交换、地区参与、国际化导向6个维度共23个指标对欧洲所有高等教育机构进行分类。研究表明:注重多元主体的民主参与和分类方法的选择、重视指标体系设计、不盲目照搬已有分类法是该分类法的成功经验所在。 As the direct result of the European higher education policy, "Classifying European Institutions For Higher Education" has been developed. It classifies all the European HEIs by 23 indexes of six dimensions including teaching and learning profile, student profile, research involvement, regional engagement, involvement in knowledge exchange and international orientation. It indicates that when classifying HEIs researchers should absorb multi-agent democratic participation, choose appropriate classification methods, focus on designing the index system of classification and carefully learn experience from existing classifications.
作者 雷家彬 沈红
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期40-44,48,共6页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 欧洲高等教育机构分类 透明工具 多样化 高等学校分类 Classifying European Institutions For Higher Education (CEIHE) U-map transparent tool diversity classification of HEIs
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