
从美国网络化社会合作治理经验看社会管理体制创新 被引量:16

On the U.S.Experience of Network Governance by Social Cooperation and Social Service System Innovation
摘要 美国社会管理体制网络化合作治理的经验在于:以政府再造过程为动力原点,社区自治为平台,非营利组织体系为经纬线,建构从公民个人到社区组织,从地方政府到联邦政府等多重社会主体,扎根于基层社区,联接于非营利组织网络,以基层社会需求为重心,平等合作,形塑公共产品与服务提供的多重网络,以替代官僚制支配、控制之下,政府提供公共产品与服务的单一化、垂滴式的模式。对中国社会管理体制创新的启示在于:以政府重塑的过程,向基层社会授权,推进民间组织生长,建构中国的网络化社会合作治理格局。 Since 1980s,advanced by the process of government reinventing,developed in an atmosphere of community autonomy,connected in the non-profit organization system,the US social service system has formed basic experience of network governance by social cooperation.The US experience stresses the different levels of the whole society,from individual citizen to community organizations,from local governments to the federal government,with all the social actors equally participating in and interactively cooperating to establish a network of public goods providing and social services to meet the basic public needs from the grass-roots of the society on the community level,with the help of the public goods and service providing function of the colossal system of non-profit organizations.The US experience gives us inspirations on social service system innovation,including innovation in government process,power transferring to the grass-roots community of the society,promoting the growth of civil society organizations,and the construction of network governance of governance by social cooperation in our society.
作者 徐珣 王自亮
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期88-94,83,共8页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
关键词 网络化社会合作治理 非营利组织 社区自治 Network Governance by Social Cooperation,Non-profit Organization,Community Autonomy
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  • 1Frank Anechiarco and James D Jacobs, " Visions of Corruption Control and the Evolution of American Public Administration, " Public Administration Review, 54 ( September /October 1994) , p. 466.
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  • 9《Public Administration And Public Affairs》, Nicholas Henry, eighth edition, By Prentice_Hall, inc. 2001.
  • 10《Power and Politics In California》, Kearson Debow ,John c syer, Seventh Edition, By Pearson Education, Inc.2003.












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