
福建省福州地区哮喘儿童知信行问卷调查结果分析 被引量:4

Survey on knowledge,attitude and practices in asthmatic children's parents in Fuzhou of Fujian province
摘要 目的了解患儿家长对哮喘知识的掌握情况及哮喘患儿日常生活管理和用药情况。方法 2010年7~12月,采用首都儿科研究所提供的哮喘患儿家长知信行问卷,对就诊于福建省福州儿童医院哮喘专科门诊确诊支气管哮喘的患儿的家长进行调查。结果共调查100份问卷,有效问卷86份。问卷中,84.88%家长在孩子的哮喘不发作时,会带孩子复诊;55.81%家长平均1~3个月带孩子去医院复诊一次。63.95%家长认为哮喘的本质是气道慢性炎症性疾病;89.53%家长认为哮喘是能够控制的,但需要规律用药;33.72%家长认为遵从医嘱规律地使用吸入型激素,对孩子的生长发育无影响。27.91%家长认为在孩子哮喘急性发作时,自我紧急处理的首选措施是吸入速效β2受体激动剂;80.23%家长在孩子哮喘没有症状时,会让他/她坚持用药;65.12%家长不愿意给孩子长期用哮喘控制药物的原因是,认为会对孩子的生长发育产生严重的影响。结论福建省福州地区多数哮喘患儿家长对哮喘疾病有较好的认识,但仍需进一步完善哮喘健康知识,提高治疗依从性,改善患儿生活质量。 Objective To study the knowledge,daily management and drug use in parents of children with asthma.Methods Questionnaire survey was conducted in parents of children with asthma diagnosed in Fuzhou children hospital from July to December in 2010 by the knowledge,attitude and practice(KAP) survey concerning asthma which offered by Capital Institute of Pediatrics.Results One hundred questionnaires were investigated,86 questionnaires were valid ones.In the questionnaires,84.88% children's parents would bring their children to return visit hospital when their children's asthma kept stable.55.81% children's parents would bring their children to return visit hospital every 1-3 months.63.95% children's parents thought asthma was an airway disease of chronic inflammation;89.53% children's parents thought asthma was able to control,but need regular administration;33.72% childrens parents thought follow medical order and regular administration of hormone inhalation,had no effect on childrens growth and development.27.91% parents whose first choice for emergency measures was available inhaled β2-receptor agonists in children with acute asthma attack;80.23% parents let him /her adhere to medication without symptoms of asthma in children;65.12% parents did not want to give their children the long-term asthma control with drugs because they thought that these drugs would have a serious impact on children's growth and development.Conclusion The understanding of asthma in majority asthmatic children's parents in Fuzhou area is good,however,more measures should be taken to further improve the health knowledge of asthma and treatment compliance to improve asthmatic children's life quality.
出处 《福建医药杂志》 CAS 2011年第3期124-126,共3页 Fujian Medical Journal
关键词 哮喘 儿童 问卷调查 福州 asthma children questionnaires Fuzhou
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