
喷雾干燥法和复合凝聚法制备仔稚鱼微胶囊饲料的研究 被引量:7

Study on Microencapsulated Diets for Marine Fish Larvae Prepared by Spray-drying and Coacervation
摘要 采用喷雾干燥法和复合凝聚法制备仔稚鱼微胶囊饲料。喷雾干燥法选用的壁材分别为明胶、明胶和麦芽糊精的复合物(1∶1);复合凝聚法选用的壁材是明胶和阿拉伯胶的复合物(1∶1)。结果显示,喷雾干燥法、复合凝聚法制备的微胶囊饲料粒径较小,大部分小于178μm。扫描电镜显示喷雾干燥法有较好的包埋效果,明胶为壁材的微胶囊表面有褶皱,明胶和麦芽糊精为壁材的微胶囊表面有许多小孔;明胶和阿拉伯胶复合凝聚的微胶囊出现粘连,没有明显的包埋效果。壁材明胶、明胶和麦芽糊精复合物、明胶和阿拉伯胶复合物3种微胶囊的脂类包埋率分别为26.59%、18.07%、26.37%,于20℃在3.5%NaC l溶液中放置30 m in氮保留率分别为36.03%、24.93%、27.47%。喷雾干燥过程中包膜维生素C的保留率仅为20.51%。 The diet microencapsulated with gelatin and gelatin/maltodextrin for fish larvae respectively was prepared by spray-drying.The gelatin/gum arabic-walled microencapsulated diet was prepared for fish larvae by coacervation.The frequent distributions of the microencapsulated diets were in normal distribution.Micrographs showed the gelatin-walled microcapsules and gelatin/maltodextrin-walled microcapsules with a regular and uniform film around the core,but the gelatin/gum arabic microencapsulated diet was not with a uniform film and conglutinates each other.The lipid encapsulation efficiency of gelatin-walled,gelatin/maltodextrin-walled,gelatin/gum arabic-walled microencapsulated diets was 26.59%,18.07% and 26.37% respectively,the nitrogen retention efficiency of the microencapsulate diets immersed in 100mL water of 35.0‰ salinity at 20 ℃ for 30 min was 36.03%,24.93% and 27.47% respectively.The retention efficiency of coated Vitamin C was 20.51% during the spray drying process.
出处 《中国粮油学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期78-81,共4页 Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association
基金 浙江省国内科技合作与成功引进转化项目(2007d70SA450004)
关键词 喷雾干燥 复合凝聚 微胶囊 仔稚鱼 microencapsulation; spray-drying; coacervation; larvae;
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