观察了老年室性心律失常患者42 例, 以评价索他洛尔 (sotalol, SOT) 对室性早搏 (室早) 的疗效及安全性。患者服药前后进行了24 h EKG (Holter)、心电图等检查, 发现服SOT后2 周末室早减少≥90% 者达25.0% , 减少≥75% 者达30.0% , 总有效率为55.0% ; 4 周末室早减少≥90% 者达40.0% , 减少≥75% 者达15.0% , 总有效率为55.0% 。服药前、后QTc无明显延长, 血压无明显下降; 但心率减慢, P< 0.01。SOT在4 周的治疗中未见致心律失常作用。结果提示老年患者服80~120 m g/d 的SOT较安全。
Forty-tw o aged patients w ith prem ature ventricular contracts (PVCs) w ere investigated to evaluate the efficacy and safety ofsotalol(SOT) by m eansof24-h EKG (Holter) m onitoring. The patients underw entthe exam inations ofHolterand EKG before and after the adm inistration. Tw o w eeks after oral SOT, the patients w ith PVCs reduction ≥90 % accounted for25.0 % , ≥75 % for 30.0 % w ith the total effective rate being 55.0 % . Four w eeks after oral SOT, the patients w ith PVCs reduction ≥90 % accounted for40.0 % and ≥75 % for 15.0 % w ith the totaleffective rate being 55.0 % . The QTc interval and blood pressure had no significantdecrease, butHRw as decreased from 74.00±8.59 b/m in to 63 75± 3.40 b/m in (P< 0.01) . The proarrhythm ic effects w ere not observed during 4 w eeks. Itw as suggested thatin aged patients w ith PVCs, oralSOT of 80- 120 m g/g w as effective and safe.
Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji