介绍聚乳酸-三亚甲基碳酸酯 [P (LA-TMC)] 可吸收性导管用于治疗神经缺损的实验研究。以P (LA-TMC) 导管桥接鼠坐骨神经7 m m 缺损, 术后定期分别取导管及周围组织和鼠心、肝、肾标本送检。结果表明: P(LA-TMC) 导管在体内 (长度、内径和外径等) 随时间逐渐降解吸收, 在体内可导致局部炎症反应, 但对局部组织及全身重要器官(心、肝、肾) 无严重损害, 初步证明了P(LA-TMC)
The experim ental study on the treatm ent of peripheral nerve defect w ith P (LA-TMC) resorbable tube w as conducted. Wistar rats w ere divided into three groups. The sciatic nerves of the rats w ere severed to form a defectof7 m m w hich w as bridged by P(LA-TMC) tubes. The rats w ere sacrificed at intervals respectively. The tubes and the hearts, livers and kidneys of the rats w ere taken out for m icroscopic exam ination. The resultshow ed P(LA-TMC) tubes w ere degraded w ith tim e on in the bodies; Tubes could lead to localinflam m atory reaction, but w as not harm ful to heart, liver and kidneys. The experim ent prim arily proved the possibility of P (LA-TMC) resorbable tubes in the clinical treatm ent of peripheralnerve defect.
Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji