
界面聚合反渗透复合膜材料及其表面修饰 被引量:5

Interfacially synthesized thin-film composite reverse osmosis membranes and their surface modification
摘要 针对我国反渗透复合膜材料研究领域存在的膜材料品种单一、膜性能相对较差、膜产品缺乏核心竞争力等现状,重点开展了界面聚合反渗透复合膜材料及其表面修饰方面的研究工作.从功能单体与制备工艺入手,研究开发高性能反渗透复合膜材料;采用表面改性技术,对界面聚合反渗透复合膜材料进行表面功能化修饰,研究开发界面聚合反渗透复合膜材料的表面改性实用技术;以期为我国反渗透复合膜材料及其产业的发展提供核心材料和先进制备技术. Thin-film composite reverse osmosis membranes were developed by interracial polymerization of metaphenylenediamine and polyacyl chlorides such as 5-chloroformyloxy-isophthaloyl chloride (CFIC), 5- isocyanato-isophthaloyl chloride (ICIC), and 1, 3, 5-cyclohexanetriacyl chloride (CHTC). The properties of the resulting membranes were studied in terms of surface chemical structure, surface charge, pure water permeability, and salt rejection rate as well. Surface modification of the thin-film composite polyamide reverse osmosis membrane was also studied for improved membrane properties. It was found that the properties and separation performance of the thin-film composite reverse osmosis could be modulated and optimized by varying the monomers used in reaction, membrane preparation conditions, as well as surface modification.
作者 俞三传
出处 《膜科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期172-175,共4页 Membrane Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20976167) 浙江省自然科学基金项目(Y4080355)
关键词 反渗透 复合膜 界面聚合 表面改性 膜材料 reverse osmosis thin-film composite membrane Interfacial polymerization surface modification membrane material
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