
焦化废水生化出水总氰构成及去除特性 被引量:3

Composition and Removal Characteristics of Total Cyanide in Bio-treated Coking Wastewater
摘要 了解总氰的构成对提高焦化废水处理装置的除氰能力意义重大。通过水质分析和研究铁氰络合物的去除特性发现,铁氰络合物对生化出水中总氰的贡献率超过90%,铁氰络合物虽见光易分解,但在缺乏光照的生化反应器中,微生物对其的去除作用主要表现为吸附而非降解。另外,酸性、好氧条件和高分子助凝剂的使用有利于形成铁氰化物沉淀。 It was necessary to study the composition of total cyanide to improve the cyanide removing ability of coking wastewater treatment plants.Composition and removal characteristics of total cyanide were investigated.Results showed that iron-cyanide complexes accounted for more than 90% of total cyanide in the bio-treated coking wastewater,and iron-cyanide complexes were removed by microorganism through adsorption more than degradation in the dark biological reactor,even if which could decompose very fast under the illumination.In addition,low pH and high pE condition with polymeric flocculant had the positive effect for the chemical precipitation.
出处 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期335-339,共5页 Journal of East China University of Science and Technology
关键词 焦化废水生化出水 总氰 铁氰络合物 光解 生物降解 化学沉淀 bio-treated coking wastewater total cyanide iron-cyanide complexes photolysis biological degradation chemical precipitation
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