

The Emotional Model Design on Online Education
摘要 随着计算机网络与通信、心理学、人工智能等技术的飞速发展,人们的生活、学习及工作方式也随之改变,利用网络进行在线教育的模式越来越受到人们的欢迎。在在线教育中通过对情感进行建模,可以感知到学习者在学习过程中的情感状态,并实时地映射出教学的指导状态,使教师在教学过程中更好地对学生进行指导,通过对情感感知模块进行功能测试验证该模块的功能。 With the rapid development of the computer networking and communicating, psychology ,and the artificial intelligence technology,people's life, learning and working patterns were also changed. Using the network for Online Education is more and more popular in people's life. Modeling by the emotion on the online teaching system, can sense the students ; emotional state in the learning process, and mapping out the teaching guide state timely, so that teachers can give a better guidance for students in the teaching process. Then by functional tests of the emotional perception module to verify the function of the module.
作者 易卿
出处 《计算技术与自动化》 2011年第2期126-129,共4页 Computing Technology and Automation
关键词 在线教育 情感计算 情感建模 online education affective computing affeetive modeling
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