
女性主义视角下的《华伦夫人的职业》 被引量:8

A Feminist Reading of Mrs.Warren's Profession
摘要 《华伦夫人的职业》是萧伯纳早期创作的一部极其重要的剧作。在《华》剧中,萧伯纳无情地鞭笞了整个资本主义制度和父权主义行径对女性的压迫,表达出对维多利亚时代受压迫女性的无比同情。此外,萧伯纳还深刻地揭示了具有剥削本性和父权本性的资本主义制度是女性受压迫和奴役的基本根源。而萧伯纳提出的这一观点恰恰与半个多世纪后兴起的马克思主义女性主义的观点不谋而合。因此,文章尝试运用马克思主义女性主义的理论,通过萧伯纳在《华》剧中对维多利亚女性遭受的性别压迫和经济压迫的揭露,探讨萧伯纳对于女性遭受的压迫和歧视、以及对妇女卖淫问题的深刻见解,并以此为契机,进一步发掘萧伯纳在剧中体现的早期女权主义观点。接着,本文将深入分析女性受双重压迫的根源——资本主义的生产方式和其追求利润最大化的贪婪本质。最后,本文将试图澄清长久以来人们对于华伦夫人是一个"不道德妇人"的误解,并且得出结论:萧伯纳在一定程度上可被视作"女性主义文学批评之父"。 Mrs.Warren's Profession is one of the early and best plays written by George Bernard Shaw.In it Shaw not only exposed and satirized the whole capitalist system and its patriarchal practices,but also showed his infinite sympathy for the exploited women in Victorian age.Apart from these,Shaw dug further into the very root of women's oppression and sufferings with an emphasis on the exploitative and patriarchal nature of capitalism,which in a way coincides with the notion of Marxist Feminism,a literary theory originated more than half a century later.Therefore,this paper attempts to discuss Shaw's acute awareness of Victorian women's sexual and economic oppression,and his penetrating analysis of the issue of prostitution in particular,and to excavate his early feminist stance reflected in Mrs.Warren's Profession in the perspective of Marxist Feminism.Then,it will analyze the deepest root of women's dual oppression— the capitalist mode of production and its avarice for maximal profit.Finally,it tries to defend Mrs.Warren against the long time distortion of her image as "an immoral woman",with the conclusion that George Bernard Shaw can be viewed in a way as "the father of feminist literary criticism" because of his contribution to this literary school.
作者 黄文璐
出处 《福建教育学院学报》 2011年第1期103-107,共5页 Journal of Fujian Institute of Education
关键词 《华伦夫人的职业》 女性受压迫 马克思主义女性主义 资本主义制度 Mrs.Warren's Profession women's oppression Marxist Feminism capitalist system
  • 相关文献


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  • 2Sally Peters.Shaw’’’’s Life:A Feminist In Spite OfHimself. The Cambridge Companionto George Bernard Shaw . 2001
  • 3Olive Schreiner.Women and Labour. The Workers:Women and Labour . 1995
  • 4Alannab Tomkins.Women and Poverty. Women’’s History:Britain,1700-1880:An Introduction . 2005
  • 5Ivy Pinchbeck.Women Workers and the IndustrialRevolution:1750-1850. . 1931
  • 6Cicely Hamilton.Marriage as a Trade. The Workers:Women andLabour . 1995
  • 7Emma Goldman.The Traffic in Women and OtherEssays on Feminism. . 1971
  • 8Frederick Engels.The Origin of the Family,PrivateProperty and the State. . 1972
  • 9Gerry Holloway.Women and Workin Britain since1840. . 2005
  • 10Mary,Eagleton.Feminist Literary Criticism. . 1991











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