目的 观察犬后肢高速枪弹伤后眼组织的病理改变 ,并对其致伤机制进行初步探讨 ,为临床诊治提供依据。方法 采用第三军医大学野战外科研究所创伤弹道模型 ,致犬后肢高速枪弹伤。在致伤后 2 4小时 ,观察眼组织的病理结构改变。结果 ( 1)大体观察发现除犬伤道有不同程度损伤外 ,外眼、内眼均有损伤。 ( 2 )病理发现 ,角膜水肿 ,葡萄膜和视网膜血管扩张充血 ,甚至出现视网膜脱离。电镜下观察 ,视细胞线粒体空泡变性 ,葡萄膜血管管壁部分疏松肿胀。结论 高速投射物在对生物组织局部产生严重损伤的同时 ,远隔部位眼组织也有不同程度的损伤。
Objective To observe the pathological and structural changes of the ocular tissue after high-velocity gunshot wounds in both thighs of dogs, and to explore the reasons of wounds. Methods The wound ballistic model in research institute of surgery was used. The both thighs of dogs were wounded by high velocity gunshot wounds. The pathological and structural changes of ocular tissues were observed 24 hours after injury. Results (1) Gross examination revealed that extra-ocular and intra-ocular could be wounded at different degrees besides original wound track in thighs of dogs.(2) Pathologically, there were corneal edema, vascular dilatation and congestion of the uvea and retina, even retinal detachment occurred. Under electronmicroscopy mithochondrial degeneration in retinal cells and part loosing and swelling in vessel of choroid could be seen. Conclusions When organic tissues are locally wounded by high-velocity projectile the distant ocular tissues from original wound track can be wounded at different degrees.
Chinese Journal of Trauma