
山东省高盐饮食造成的高血压经济负担分析 被引量:8

Analysis on economic burden of hypertension attributable to high-salt intake in Shandong province
摘要 目的:估计山东省高盐饮食造成的高血压直接经济负担,为山东省制定相关卫生政策,开展减盐项目提供证据。方法:利用2002年第三次全国居民营养与健康状况调查和2008年第四次卫生服务调查相关数据,采用敏感性分析估计山东省高盐饮食造成的高血压直接经济负担并利用核密度估计描述经济负担的概率分布。结果:山东省18岁及以上居民高盐饮食所致高血压每年直接经济负担已逾10亿,在不同高盐饮食标准下经济负担不同。经济负担随着高盐饮食标准的降低(从10克/日到6克/日)而升高(从10.74亿到15.35亿);经济负担的波动程度也随着高盐饮食标准的降低而变大。结论:高盐饮食已经给山东造成了较大经济损失,有必要对居民食盐摄入进行干预,但最优干预目标的确定需要进一步研究。 Objective:To estimate the crude direct economic burden from hypertension attributable to high-salt intake of Shandong province so as to provide solid evidence for health policy making and promoting community salt-reduction intervention program.Methods:Sensitivity analysis and kernel density estimation were used to estimate and depict the direct economic burden of hypertension attributable to high-salt intake in Shandong province using data from 2002 National Nutrition and Health Survey and 2008 National Health Services Survey.Results:Economic burden of hypertension attributable to high-salt intake in Shandong province,which itself and its variance increases(from 1.074 billion to 1.535 billion) with high-salt intake criteria loosening(from 10g/day to 6g/day),has exceeded more than 1 billion RMB.Conclusion:High-salt intake has caused huge economic loss in Shandong province,so that it is necessary to reduce salt consumption by carrying out community-based interventions which need further study to specify.
出处 《中国卫生政策研究》 2011年第6期56-60,共5页 Chinese Journal of Health Policy
关键词 盐摄入 高血压 经济负担 敏感性分析 核密度估计 Salt intake Hypertension Economic burden Sensitivity analysis Kernel density estimation
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