
苏州市区能见度变化特征及影响因素分析 被引量:3

Analysis on the Variation Characteristics and Effect Factors of Visibility in Suzhou
摘要 近一年的观测结果表明,苏州市区能见度年均值为15.8 km。一年之中,7月能见度水平最高,11月能见度水平最低,月均值为10.5 km。一日之中,早8时左右能见度最差,14时左右最好。导致苏州市区能见度水平下降的主要污染因子为PM2.5,相同PM2.5浓度下,能见度随着湿度的升高而下降。 Based on the study and monitoring of visibility in Suzhou recently,the results show that the annual average value of visibility is about 15.8km.Through a year,the maximum visibility occurs in July,and the minimum occurs in November,which was about 10.5km.In a day,the lowest visibility appeared at 8 a.m,and the highest visibility appeared at 2 p.m.The major causes of the decrease of visibility is PM2.5.With the same concentration of PM2.5,the higher relative humidity is,the lower visibility is.
出处 《环境监控与预警》 2011年第3期41-44,共4页 Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning
关键词 苏州市 能见度 PM2.5 黑碳 Suzhou visibility PM2.5 blackcarbon
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