目的:通过对正常胰腺与合并胰周脏器恶性肿瘤时胰腺的多层螺旋CT灌注成像对比分析,评价合并胰周脏器恶性肿瘤时胰腺的血流灌注特点。方法:胰周脏器恶性肿瘤未累及胰腺者44例列为研究组(B组),无明显上腹部病变者26例列为对照组(A组)。选择胰腺的正中层面行CT灌注,采用Toshiba Aquilion 16层螺旋CT,120kV,200mA,1.0s/r,采集层厚2mm×4,间隔1s,于肘前静脉团注对比剂50ml,6ml/s,延迟6s,数据采集45s。扫描后的影像数据传输到Vitrea 2.0后处理工作站,采用进行A、B两组胰腺灌注参数三点测量,其平均值视为最后灌注参数值,并行t检查。结果:A、B两组血流量(BF)、血容量(BV)、表面通透性(PS)和平均通过时间(MTT)的测量值分别为:(168.53±103.15)ml.100g-1.min-1,(54.00±22.15)ml.100g-1,(196.38±133.18)ml.100g-1.min-1,(365.31±130.98)0.1s和(130.03±66.58)ml.100g-1.min-1,(48.15±24.52)ml.100g-1,(259.89±206.66)ml.100g-1.min-1,(389.26±207.63)0.1s。两组参数无统计学意义(P>0.05),说明正常组与合并胰周脏器恶性肿瘤组胰腺的血供差异不明显。结论:胰周脏器发生恶性肿瘤并不影响胰腺实质的血流灌注。
Purpose: To assess the characteristics of blood flow for normal pancreas coexistent with malignant tumor of peripancreatic organs by analyzing the multi - slice spiral CT perfusion imaging features of them. Methods: Seventy patients received enhancement CT examination for the venter superior or the whole abdomen. They were divided into two groups according to the inclusive criteria: Group A and Group B. Group A, which served as the control group, consisted of 26 patients with normal pancreas, and Group B consisted of 44 patients with normal pancreas coexistent with malignant tumor of peripancreatic organs. The multi - slice spiral CT perfusion series were performed for pancreatic perfusion on a multi - slice CT scanner (Toshiba Aquilion 16), at 120 kV, 200 mA, 1.0s/r, 4 × 2 collimation, interval ls, pitch 0. Contrast injection was done by using 50 ml contrast agent, at a flow rate of 6 ml/s with a power injector, and 6 seconds delay, the data acquisition lasted for 45 seconds. These data were processed on a Start Vitrea 2 workstation by using Toshiba body software package, and the mean blood flow (BF), blood volume (BV), permeability surface (PS), mean transit time(MTT) were measured and statistically analyzed. Results: The mean BF, BV, PS and MTT of normal pancreas (Group A) were: (168.53±103.15) ml· 100g-1·min-1, (54.00±22.15) ml·100g-1, (196.38± 133.18) ml ·100g-1 ·min-1, (365.31 ±130.98) 0. 1s, respectively. The mean BF, BV , PS and MTT of normal pancreas coexistent with malignant tumor of peripancreatic organs(Group B) were (130.03± 66.58) ml·100g -1· min-1, (48.15 ±24.52)ml · 100g-1, (259.89 ± 206.66) ml·100g-1· min-1, (389.26 ± 207.63) 0. ls, respectively. The differences be- tween perfusion parameters in normal pancreas and normal pancreas coexistent with malignant tumor of peripancreatic organs were not statistically significant(P 〉 0.05), which indicates blood supply of the normal pancreas and normal pancreas coexistent with malignant tumor of peripancreatic organs were the same. Conclusion: When tumor in the adjacent organs which have a close relationship with the blood circulation of the pancreas become malignant, the blood flow of the pancreas will not be influenced.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging