In this paper, Corn water requirements of 103 counties in shaanxi province have been calculateb by crop coefficient kc times refference crop evapotran spiration ostimated by modified penman formula accroding to meteorological faetors, and the isoline maps of corn evapotranspiration are charted in four typical years. The results show that the law of corn evapotranspirotion is the larger norehwestern part than in south western part. The total evapotranspiration of mang years average in summer corn growing seasons varies from 275 to 475mm, in spring corn growing seasons varies from 350 to 625mm. At last, the net irrigation water requirement of corn is estimated by water balance equation of field, and the isdine maps of corn irrigation watre raquiremont are charted in four typical years similar to corn evapotranspiration. Division of corn irrigation zone has been presented, and irrigation evaluations in various zones have been done.
Northwest Water Resources & Water Engineering