
应用伽玛刀治疗脑深部和功能区海绵状血管瘤 被引量:4

Gam m a knife stereotactic radiosurgery for deep location and eloquentarea cavernous angiom as in brain
摘要 目的: 探讨伽玛刀对脑深部和功能区海绵状血管瘤(CA) 的治疗效果及有关问题。方法: 采用伽玛刀对67 例大脑半球深部、丘脑、基底节及脑干海绵状血管瘤进行治疗。结果: 随访3 月~8 年 (平均2.6 年), 评价其治疗效果, 2 例死于其他疾病, 6 例行手术治疗。在MRI检查随访59 例中, 病变稳定好转率达98% , 并且年再出血发生率大大降低。结论: 应用伽玛刀治疗脑深部及险要部位的CA 是一种无创伤、效果比较好的方法。 Objective: To study gam m a knife treating the deep lacation and eloquentarea cavernous angiom a (CA) in brain.And to analyze the results asw ellas otherquestion. Methods:Sixty- seven patients w ith brain CA located in deep areasofthe hem isphere,thalam us , basalganglia and brain stem have been treated w ith gam - m a knife. Allpatientsw ere studied w ith CT, MRorDSA before applying the radiosurgery. Results: Follow - up of3 m ouths to 8. 2 years (m eanly 2. 6ys) w as carried outand the results w ere analyzed. Tw o patients died from other diseases and 6 patients undw ent open surgery postgam m a knife treatm eat. Consqentfollow - up of59 cases show ed that98% ofthe lesions becam e sm allorstable. And m orbidity rate ofrebleed each year greatly reduced.Conclusion:To treatthe CA located in brain deep and eloquentareas w ith gam m a knife is a m inim alinjury and good w ay.
出处 《立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志》 1999年第4期27-29,共3页 Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
关键词 伽玛刀 治疗 脑海绵状血管瘤 海绵状血管瘤 Cavernous angiom a,Gam m a knife,Magneticresonance im aging,Treatm ent,Com plication
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