
密闭的体外循环系统在手术室内保存期限的试验研究 被引量:2

Sterility of previously assembled dry cardiopulmonary bypass closed circuits over time:a trial study
摘要 目的评估手术室"干备"密闭的体外循环环路不受细菌污染时限。方法严格无菌条件下连接5套密闭的体外循环环路,存放于万级层流手术室内,分别在连接后即刻、24、48、72、96、120、144、168 h时,于环路的膜式氧合器储血罐心内吸引连接处内侧、静脉总干连接处内侧和膜式氧合器动脉出口内侧,使用无菌棉签取样,同时做手术间的空气细菌培养;所有标本在细菌室做细菌培养,观察其菌落生长情况。结果所有时间点的空气培养均为阴性,5套体外循环管路分别在连接后即刻、24、48、72、96 h时各处标本均未观察到菌落生长,120 h时其中一套体外循环环路的膜肺动脉出口处,取样标本中培养出革兰阳性球菌菌落,144 h和168 h各个标本亦未培养出菌落。结论 "干备"体外循环环路存放于万级层流手术室条件下,3 d内是安全的。 OBJECTIVE To evaluate how long previously assembled closed cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) circuits without priming will remain sterile in the operating room. METHODS The five closed CPB circuits were assembled using aseptic technique and remained in the operating room until time of microbial contamination. Each assembled CPB circuit was cultured at three different locations, as follows.-inside the sucker of the reservoir, inside the venous connector, inside the membrane lung outlet. Samples were taken by sterile cotton swabs after 0, 24h, 48h, 72h, 96h, 120h, 144h and 168h. Agar plates were evaluated for microbial growth. The sample was considered as contaminant when bacteria grew. RESULTS There were no positive bacterial cultures at the any loca- tions excepl obtaining Ge bacterial cultures in one sample from outlet of membrane lung at the 5th day. CONCLUSION The results of this investigation demonstrate that the assembled CPB circuit without priming in op- erating room can be maintained sterile for a period of three days when standard aseptic technique is used.
出处 《中华医院感染学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第13期2700-2701,共2页 Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
关键词 体外循环 “干备” 细菌污染 安全时限 Cardiopulmonary bypass Assembled CPB circuits without priming Bacterial contamination Timefactors
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