
超高压处理对烟熏火腿色泽、游离脂肪酸及脂肪氧化指标的影响 被引量:15

Effect of high pressure processing on color, free fatty acids and lipid oxidation of sliced smoked cooked ham
摘要 为探究超高压处理手段应用于烟熏火腿保鲜的同时是否能够保持产品原有的品质,本实验以400MPa和600MPa的压力在常温下(22℃)对切片真空包装后的烟熏火腿进行10min超高压处理,与未经超高压处理产品(NT组)作对照,4℃下贮藏,研究了超高压前后产品色泽、游离脂肪酸以及脂肪氧化指标的变化。结果表明:超高压处理组样品能够保持原有鲜亮色泽,而未经超高压处理组出现明显褪色;超高压处理后样品的各游离脂肪酸含量变化不显著;贮藏初期超高压处理组与未经超高压处理组样品TBARS值都没有显著变化,而随贮藏期延长,高压处理组样品TBARS值比未处理组略有上升,但TBARS最大值小于0.5mg/100g肉样。实验所用超高压处理条件不会引起真空包装烟熏火腿色泽、游离脂肪酸指标的显著变化,能够较好地保持产品原有游离脂肪酸组成及鲜亮色泽,也不会造成产品的氧化酸败。 The objective of this experiment was to evaluate whether high pressure processing (HPP) influent eating quality when using as preservative methods in smoked ham. Slices of cooked vacuum-packaged ham were submitted to high pressure treatments at 400,600MPa for 10min at room temperature(22℃)and then stored at 4℃ along with controls(not treated samples, NT).Color,free fatty acids and lipid oxidation were determined at 1,15, 30,45d after treatment,respectively.Results showed that HPP treated samples could maintain their original bright color, however,the NT samples faded apparently.Changes of free fatty acid but changes were not significant after HPP treatment.At the beginning of the storage period,TBARS values were not changed significantly both in HPP and NT samples. However during the following 45d, TBARS values of HPP samples increased slightly, but the maximum TBARS values were less than 0.5mg/100g during the whole storage. HPP could not cause significantly changes in color and free fatty acid ,as well as lipid oxidation of sliced cooked ham.Free fatty acid composition and oriqinal briqht color could be maintained.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期122-125,共4页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 江苏省科技成果转化专项资金项目(BA2009007)
关键词 超高压 脂肪氧化 游离脂肪酸 色泽 烟熏火腿 high pressure processing lipid oxidation free fatty acid color smoked cooked ham
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