贵州是我国碳酸盐岩分布面积最广、喀斯特强烈发育的省区之一,喀斯特面积达120 000 km2,近1/3的喀斯特区已经石漠化,有585.38万农村人口处于贫困范围,使贵州生态经济问题引起越来越多学者的关注。笔者以生态经济理论及系统耦合理论为基础,收集贵州省黔西南州1994~2009年的实际数据,拟定评价指标体系,利用城乡相互作用耦合模型,对喀斯特地区城乡生态经济复合系统的相互作用关系及耦合机制进行探讨,以揭示复合系统的物质基础及动力机制。结果表明:黔西南州城乡生态经济综合序参量呈不断增大的趋势,且主要得益于城镇生态经济序参量的快速增长。在复合系统中城镇和乡村的地位发生了重要转变,城镇经济显现出巨大的发展势头。人的能动作用逐渐增强。环境要素受到一定程度的损坏,特别是乡村环境要素的改变比较明显。经计算复合系统的耦合度介于0.39~0.49之间,耦合协调度介于0.18~0.42之间,耦合水平不高,但各子系统间的协同作用逐渐增强;乡村生态经济子系统的耦合度介于0.48~0.50之间,耦合协调度介于0.18~0.29之间,显示乡村生态环境与经济发展不相适应;城镇生态经济子系统的耦合度介于0.15~0.50之间,耦合协调度介于0.05~0.33之间,耦合水平不高,显示城镇经济已进入快速发展时期,给环境带来难以消化的负面影响。针对系统耦合现状及问题,提出今后应以乡村生态经济为基础,推进城镇生态经济的建设,实现复合系统的良性健康发展。
Guizhou is one of the provinces with the most widely distributed carbonate rocks and extensive karst systems.The area under karst is 120 000 km2,and ≈1/3 of the area is rocky desert.About 5.85 million people of the rural population are poor,which is a growing concern for fast-developing country.Using eco-economy and systematic coupling theories,this paper developed an evaluation index system for Qianxinan Region,Guizhou Province.About 15 years of data,spanning for 1994~2009,were used in the study.Mod-eling was used to explain the interactions/coupling mechanisms of compound rural-urban eco-economic system in karst regions which was in turn used to develop a material foundation/dynamic mechanism.The results suggested that preface parameters in the compound urban-rural eco-economic systems of Qianxinan Region were growing.This was mainly due to rapid growth of the urban eco-economic system.While the positions of rural and urban economies changed in the compound system,urban economy showed a great momentum with a gradually strengthened dynamic human input.Environmental elements were damaged to some degree,espe-cially in rural area environmental factors changed greatly.The coupling function was used to calculate the coupling degree(DC) and coupling coordination(CC) of the compound urban-rural eco-economic system in karst areas.The calculation showed that DC of the compound urban-rural eco-economic system was 0.39~0.49 with a CC of 0.18~0.42,they were considered not high,but with gradual built up of subsystems synergy.DC of the rural eco-economic system in karst areas was 0.48~0.50 with CC of 0.18~0.29,it suggested non-adaptation of ecological environment to rural economic development.DC of the urban eco-economic system in karst areas was 0.15~0.50 with CC of 0.05~0.33,they was not high,but indicted a rapid phase of development.This brought about negative influences on the environment.Based on the present conditions of the compound system,it was advanced that rural eco-economic system growth should promote urban eco-economic construction,to realize healthy development of the compound system.
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
Karst area
Compound rural-urban eco-economic system
Coupling modeling
Coupling degree
Coupling coor-dination
Guizhou Province
Qianxinan Region