天花板水电站大坝采用碾压混凝土双曲拱坝,坝高107 m。设计中根据地形地质条件,确定了首部枢纽布置及坝型、两坝肩开挖方式及坝基建基面高程,采用了有利于施工的拱坝结构分缝形式和布置,选择了先进的混凝土配合比和大坝防渗形式,保证了拱坝施工质量和进度,降低了工程投资,保证了工程的顺利进行。
The Tianhuaban Dam is a roller-compacted concrete double-curvature arch dam with a height of 107 m. According to the topographic and geologic conditions, the layout of headrace structure and dam type, the excavating methods of two abutments and the elevation of dam-foundation interface are determined, the structure joint type and layout being conducive to dam construction are adopted and the advanced concrete mix proportion and seepage control are also selected in the design of Dam. The design of Tianhuaban Dam guarantees the construction quality and schedule, reduces the investment and ensures the smooth progress of project.
Water Power