
德法浪漫主义美学思想的演变与相互影响 被引量:2

The Development and Mutual Influence of German and French Romantic Aesthetic Thoughts
摘要 法国的启蒙文学在某种程度上进一步加重了人们在思想观念和文学理念上的枷锁,同时也体现出时代的特征和理性无法遮挡的人性光芒。法国具有强烈人文主义关怀的作品以及从启蒙时期就萌发出的美学思想在德国得到了更早、更深刻的继承和发扬。德国文学很快从启蒙运动转向狂飙突进运动,从对人的认识能力的启迪转换到对人内心灵魂的深究,也使人类的认识从科学的、理性的扩展到人性的、非理性的视阈。在这样一个科学探索和人性解放相互交叉和辉映的时代,法国文学和德国文学也跨越了国界,在各自独立发展的同时,不时在对方身上得到启发和灵感,汲取营养,共同促使社会不断前行,人类不断演进。 The French enlightenment literature further reinforced, to a certain extent, people' s ideological and literary shack- les, and at the same time embodied the characteristics of the times and the brilliance of human nature which could not be ob- scured by reason. The more humanistic works in France and its aesthetic thought starting from the enlightenment period were inherited and promoted in Germany at an earlier stage and in a more profound way. The German literature quickly moved from the enlightening campaign to rapid and violent progress and its focus shifted from enlightening man' s cognitive power to a pro- found probe into man' s soul. As a result the knowledge of human beings was extended from scientific and rational fields to the realms of human nature and irrationality. In such an age when scientific research and emancipation of human nature happened at the same time and added brilliance to each other, French literature and German literature, while developing independently, enlightened each other, inspired each other and provided nutrition for each other. They worked together to advance the social progress and the incessant evolution of mankind.
作者 户思社
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期65-69,共5页 Foreign Language Education
关键词 法国文学 德国文学 浪漫主义 美学思想 交互影响 French literature German literature romanticism aesthetic thought mutual influence
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