
自我服务偏向研究现状与展望 被引量:16

Review and Prospect on the Research of Self-serving Bias
摘要 人们常将满意的结果归因于自己的能力或努力,将不满意的结果归因为他人或环境,这种接受成功的荣誉而否认失败责任的倾向称为自我服务偏向。目前,对该偏向的理论解释并未达成统一的结论,争论主要集中在其产生是由认知驱动或动机驱动,抑或两者兼有。大量研究表明,自我服务偏向普遍存在于日常生活中,并受年龄、性别、文化、精神机能障碍等因素的影响,但对其脑机制的研究相对较少。未来研究中,应拓宽对非抑郁症精神机能障碍患者的自我服务偏向研究以及不同群体自我服务偏向特点的研究;自我服务偏向的脑机制研究、跨文化研究以及国外已有研究成果在我国的适用性也将成为未来研究的关注点。 It is very common that people often attribute desirable outcomes to their ability or efforts, and attribute undesirable outcomes to others or situation. The tendency that people take personal credit when they succeed and deny their responsibility for failure is called self-serving bias. Today, the theoretical explanations for this bias have not been reached unified conclusion. The debate mainly focuses on whether the self-serving bias was produced by cognitive drive or by motivation, or by both. Lots of research shows that self-serving bias is widespread in the daily life and affected by age, gender, culture, and psychopathology. However, the research on its brain mechanism is relatively rare. Future research should extend the study of the self-serving bias to non-depressed psychopathological groups and other different populations. In addition, the brain mechanism of self-serving bias, its cross-cultural research, and the applicability of foreign research results in China will also be emphasized in the future.
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期1054-1060,共7页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划教育部青年专项课题(EIA100409) 重庆市教育科学规划项目(10-GJ-0236) 国家社会科学基金项目(06CZX024)资助
关键词 归因 自我服务偏向 自我增强 自我表现 attribution self-serving bias self-enhancement self-presentation
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