
多层介质天线罩的数值分析 被引量:9

Numerical analysis of multi-layer dielectric radome
摘要 针对含有多层薄层介质的电大尺寸多尺度问题计算的难点,提出了多层薄层介质的等效阻抗边界条件,该边界条件计入了薄层介质引起的电磁场幅度和相位的变化,可简化含多层薄层介质电磁结构的计算,解决多层天线罩薄层介质引起的剖分奇异化问题,实现多层天线罩对于天线性能影响的数值研究。 To implement the numerical analysis of multi-scale electric-large problem with multi-layer thin dielectric shell, a novel boundary condition of multi-layer thin dielectric shell is proposed in this paper,which takes both the amplitude and phase change across the shell into consideration. The usage of this boundary condition may avoid the singularity caused by the mesh of the thin shell, and then the multi-layer dielectric radome is analyzed numerically. As an example, the influence of the multilayer radome to the radiation of slot array antennn is evaluated
作者 刘莹 谢拥军
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期550-555,共6页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.60771040)
关键词 多层薄层介质边界条件 天线罩 数值计算 boundary condition of multi-layer thin dielectric shell radome numerical analysis
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