In the context of water shortage that often appears in China,the aim of this study was to study the behavior of the productive sectors of China's economy as direct and indirect consumers of water.To that end,we employed the input-output analysis method.On the basis of the input-output table of 2007 in China,we calculated the quantity of water consumption and relevant water input coefficients.After that,we compared total water consumption and direct water consumption of productive sectors and obtained the components of indirect water consumption of representative sectors whose water consumption multipliers are higher.Main results are as follows:1) direct water consumption coefficients for the sectors of agriculture,basic industry,light industry,high-technology industry,and other manufacturing industry are 736.66,21.69,9.20,0.84,and 0.48 m3/10000 RMB,respectively,whereas their total water input coefficients reach 903.53,87.77,307.50,53.47,and 186.38 m3/10000 RMB,respectively,with the consideration of supply-chain.The discrepancy between the total water consumption and the direct water consumption of the light industry is high,while the discrepancy of the other manufacturing industry is low.The production values of the light industry and the basic industry are much higher than agriculture,but the total water consumption of the two sectors are still lower than agriculture.It is due to the discrepancy between the total water input coefficient of the two sectors and that of agriculture.2) Agriculture and the basic industry contribute more to the total water consumption,accounting for more than 95% of the total of water consumption of the five sectors.The light industry,high-technology industry,and other manufacturing industry have a larger effect on driving water consumption of other sectors indirectly,whose water consumption multipliers are up to 33.41,63.42,and 392.01,respectively.That is to say,the three sectors which are at the downstream end of the supply-chain obtain themselves water demand mainly from agriculture and the basic industry which are at the upstream end.There are different components of indirect water consumption among different productive sectors.It is due to their different positions in the supply-chain.From the upstream to the downstream in the supply-chain,the level of indirect-driving water consumption of productive sectors is from "weak" to "strong",and the indirect water consumption component of productive sectors is from simplification to diversification.3) On the process of water-conservation economic structure establishment,indirect water consumption of productive sectors should be considered.The direct water consumption coefficient for agriculture can be decreased with its production reduced.However,in the view of the input-output perspective,the majority of this sector's direct water consumption is produced in obtaining products that supply other sectors.If the water consumption coefficients of other sectors do not decrease,it is inevitable that water consumption of the entire economic system will still increase.Industrial adjustment just relocates high direct water consumption sectors,but it is not the essential way to reduce the total water consumption.
Resources Science
Water consumption
Input-output method
Water use coefficient
Indirect driving