
自然风的分形特性 被引量:3

Fractal Characteristic of Natural Wind
摘要 为研究非线性及随机变化的自然风内部规律,以便模拟自然风提高室内送风的舒适性。通过对自然风进行采样分析,得到样本的功率谱密度分布,计算其功率谱密度指数,判断自然风的1/f特性。基于相空间重构理论,运用G-P算法对其进行计算,采用最小二乘法进行线性回归分析,得出自然风的分形维数。研究表明自然风具有分形特性,自然风的功率谱密度指数和分形维数与地表的粗糙度或地貌特征相关。 To study internal laws of non-linear and stochastic change of natural wind and simulate natural wind for improving indoor ventilation comfort.By sampling and analyzing on natural wind,got the distribution of the PSD(Power Spectral Density),calculated the β value of the PSD to judge its 1/f characteristic.Based on phase space reconstruction theory,GP algorithm was employed to calculate it.The fractal dimension was obtained by using least squares linear regression analysis.It shows that natural wind has a fractal characteristic.The β value of PSD and the fractal dimension have relations with the surface roughness or landforms characteristic.
出处 《建筑热能通风空调》 2011年第3期42-45,33,共5页 Building Energy & Environment
基金 上海市重点学科建设项目资助(B604)
关键词 自然风 相空间重构 功率谱密度 分形维数 natural wind phase space reconstruction PSD fractal dimension
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