A series of numerical analogue to oscillation solufion of Van der Pol equation which is disfurbed periodically has realized. From the numerical amalogue results,Van der Pol equation is describld as x - (1 -x2)x+xμ sin t= 0 while its zero order term is subjected to sinusoidal periodical disfurbance. And it expresses strong non-linearity when its adjustable parameter μ is in[0' 1' 1]. When it is not supjected to disturbance,it has a limit-cycle,which is a simple attractor,while it is subjected,the limit-cycle disappered and a strange attracfor with a small symmetric cycle occures. It is clear that,from the analysis of the phase plane chaotic attractor and its flow,this dynamic system expresses as chaotic oscillation motion 'with intermittent quasi-period because of the disturbance. If the sint is substituted for cost,the simulation result will be the same.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Transportation Science & Engineering)