目的:比较医护人员和非医护人员之间对术后止痛的知识和态度之差别。方法:用问卷式调查表采取面对面方式调查了2 所综合医院的130 名医生、护士和212名非医护人员。结果:①分别有128 人(98 .3 % ) 和208 人(98 .1 % ) 完成答卷。②医护人员能更好地认识到术后痛可致并发症,应有效控制,更了解术后止痛药物,而较少对术后止痛存有误解。③两组人群均较多选择外科医师和麻醉医师为术后止痛的主要负责人,而选择病房护士者以非医护人员为主。④普遍认为术后止痛宣传力度较差。结论:医护人员和非医护人员对术后止痛和意识差别较大。
Objective: To investigate the differences of attitudes towards postoperative pain and itsrelief between the nursing and medicalstaff,and the non nursing and non medicalstaff.Method :Aface to face questionair survey was carried out on 130 nurses and doctorsand 212 non nursing and non medicalstaffin two generalhospitals.Result: 1 .One handred andtwenty eight(98 .3 % ) nursing and medicalstaffand 208 (98 .1 % ) non nursing and non medicalstaffcompleted the questionairs.2 .More doctorsand nurs es believed that postoperative pain can cause seriouscomplications and should be treated effectively ,and had better knowledge of postoperative painkillers.3 .Postoperative pain management was considered asthe duty ofsurgeon and anesthetists by more responders of both groups, and the duty of ward nurses by more non nursing and non medical staffs.4 . The majority ofrespondentsconsidered thattheinformation about postopera tive pain and itsrelief wasinsufficient.Conclusion :There are many differences between the nursing and medicalstaffandthe non nursing and non medicalstafffortheattitudes to postperative analgesia. Wide spread education is required especially for non nursing and non medicalstaff.
Chinese Journal of Pain Medicine