
天然气液化用高压涡流管内流动与传热分析 被引量:4

Analysis of Flow and Heat Transfer in High-Pressure Vortex Tube for LNG
摘要 高压涡流管是撬装化天然气液化的关键设备.由于管内高压引起的超音速强旋转流与传统涡流管有本质的区别.由于强大的离心力,目前对三维强旋转湍流流动的测量与真实情况还有很大差异.利用数值计算方法,研究了在高压环境中涡流管内流场和温度场结构特性,提出利用冷热端压差配合特殊设计的喷嘴,有利于形成超音速流动,并在喷管段形成低温区域.控制高压涡流管的热端背压,有利于获得更高的制冷效率. The high-pressure vortex tube is a kind of key equipment in skid-mounted package liquefied CBM/NG.As a strong centrifugal force,the three-dimensional measurement to intense rotating flow is very different from the real situation.The method of numerical computing is used to study the high-pressure vortex tube flow field and temperature field.The pressure difference between hot and cold side and the special nozzle are conducive to the formation of supersonic flow,and lead to lower temperature in cold-side.The study also shows that to control the back pressure of hot end in high-pressure vortex tube will help to achieve higher cooling efficiency.
出处 《郑州大学学报(工学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第3期115-118,共4页 Journal of Zhengzhou University(Engineering Science)
基金 重庆市自然科学基金资助项目(CSTC 2009BB7379)
关键词 涡流管 液化天然气 撬装化 vortex tube LNG skid-mounted
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