为了了解贵阳市城区儿童少年肥胖状况及肥胖的相关因素,采用体重测量法对贵阳城区数所小学共4 195 名学生进行肥胖流行病调查。同时使用1∶1 配对研究方法,随机抽取135 名单纯性肥胖儿童与对照组进行24 h 膳食营养及生活行为习惯、机能状态等相关因素的比较研究。结果显示:肥胖率为6-65 % ,其中男学生8-48 % ,女学生4-75 % ,肥胖的高峰年龄是10 ~12 岁,主要表现为轻度肥胖(66-67 % ) 。肥胖儿童的各营养素摄入量均高于对照组儿童,并存在明显家族遗传倾向,同时表现为不好运动,机能状态较差等( P< 0-05) 。根据本调查的结果,认为贵阳市儿童少年的肥胖检出率比较高,造成肥胖的原因有营养摄入多而运动少,并有一定的家族遗传性。
In order to understand the obesity and mutual factors in the children in Guiyang, using the method of height and weight's measure, a survey was carried out in primary schools in Guiyang. The 135 cases of obesity with 130 normal school-age children were studied by contrast of nutrition and the habit of action, the vigor of movement, etc. The rate of the obesity reached 6.65% of children in Guiyang. The boys reached 8.48%, the girls reached 4.75%. The pinnacle of age was 10~12 years old. As compared with the normal group, there was a high ingestion of nutrition in the obesity group. The obesity group had heredity of family, the loss vigor of movement and the bad action habit. The findings of our study demonstrated that the percentage of obese children in Guiyang was much high. The mutual factors related to obsity in children had the high ingestion of nutrition and the loss vigor of movement and the bad action habit.
Journal of Guiyang Medical College
child development
child nutrition