In orderto understand fertherthe mechanism of Chinese medicine- Man Shen Kang on the reduction ofrenalfibrosis,the bistology and matrix componentsof kidneytissue wereanalysed by im munohistochemistry methodin rats with subtotalnephrectomy.Resultsshowedthatdeposition offibronectin in glomeruli of rats treated with Man Shen Kang was much less than that in glomeruliofratsincontrolgroup ,butthe differenceofcollagen Ⅳdepositionin glomeruli was not significant between thetwo groups. No significant differences offibronectin ,collagen Ⅲand Ⅳ intheinterstitium of the kidney were observed within control and treated groups though these matrix componentsin treated group seemd lessthan thosein control group. Our study suggests that Man Shen Kang can reduce the deposition offibronectin in glomeruli of rats with subtotal nephrectomy and thereforeimprovesthe glomerularfibrosis.
Journal of Guiyang Medical College