目的 为骨髓移植患者寻找较好的诊断和治疗巨细胞病毒(CMV) 感染的分子生物学依据。方法 用聚合酶链反应(PCR) 方法测尿中CMVDNA,逆转录(RT)PCR 法测血中CMV即刻早期抗原(IE)mRNA。结果 在被测的27 例患者103 份标本中,发现10 例CMV 感染者的尿CMVDNA 及血IE mRNA 几乎同时阳转。在连续使用抗病毒药甘昔洛瓦(DHPG) 治疗的6 例患者中,IE mRNA 约一周左右阴转,而DNA 约20 天左右阴转。结论 CMVIEmRNA 可能反映病毒即刻早期转录的停止,对临床抗病毒治疗可能是一个较好的参考指标。
Objective To find out a specific marker for diagnosis and treatment of active human cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in patients with bone marrow transplantation.Methods CMV DNA in urines was detected by PCR, and CMV IE mRNA in blood by RT PCR.Results 103 samples from 27 patients were detected by molecular biology method for CMV. The positive results were got hardly at the same time from CMV DNA and CMV IE mRNA in 10 patients with CMV infection. In 6 patients treated with DHPG, CMV IE mRNA first (about one week) become negative, and CMV DNA turned to be negative on 20 days from the initial treatment of DHPG.Conclusion CMV IE mRNA may reflect the cessation of virus immediate early transcription, and may be a promising reference value in anti CMV treatment.