①目的 探讨急性脑血管病病人血清肌酸磷酸激酸(CPK)及乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)变化的临床意义。②方法 采用全自动生化分析仪对36 例脑梗死、17 例脑出血及10例蛛网膜下隙出血病人血清CPK和LDH进行测定。③结果 3 组病人急性期血清CPK和LDH均高于对照组(F= 3.16,2.96,q= 3.01~4.36,P< 0.05);脑梗死组中急性期CPK和LDH高于恢复期(t= 2.54,2.26,P< 0.05),脑叶梗死的LDH高于基底节梗死(t= 2.13,P<0.05);脑出血组中急性期的CPK高于恢复期(t= 2.28,P< 0.05),丘脑出血高于脑叶和基底节出血(F= 4.11,q=3.18,3.96,P< 0.05)。④结论 测定血清CPK和LDH 可在一定程度上反映脑损害的程度,对预后和治疗有一定指导意义。
Objective\ To study the clinical significance of serum CPK and LDH determination in acute cerebrovascular disease.\ Methods\ serum CPK and LDH of 36 cerebral infarction patients, 17 cerebral hemorrhage patients and 10 subarachnoid hemorrhage patients were measured by auto biochemistry analyser.\ Results\ The level of serum CPK and LDH in the acute period of three groups of patiets were significantly higher than the control( F=3.16,q=3.01-4.36,P <0.05). In the cerebral infarction group, CPK and LDH in acute phase were higher than in recovery phase ( t=2.54,2.26,P <0.05); LDH in lobe infarction was higher than in basal ganglia infarction ( t=2.13,P <0.05); the level of LDH and CPK increased with the area of infarction. In the cerebral hemorrhage group, only CPK in acute phase was higher than in recovery phase ( t=2.28,P <0.05); CPK and LDH in thalamus hemorrhage was higher than incerebral lobe and ganglia themorrhage( F=4.11,q=3.18,3.96,P <0.05), and the level of CPK and LDH increased with the area of hemorrhage.\ Conclusion\ The level of serum CPK and LDH could represent the degree of brain damage in acute cerebrovascular disease. Determination of serum CPK and LDH could help with treatment and prognosis of acute cerebravascular diseases.\;
Medical Journal of Qilu
cerebral infarction
cerebral hemorrhage
creatine kinase
lactate dehydrogenase