

Notes on City (no.7):My own back window view of topography
摘要 本文作者从自家后窗望出去,面对后山地景,逐一比较了测绘学、地理学、城市规划和普通人对于地形和地形学的不同理解。通过凸现学科之间、学术和日常世界之间对于地形的不同认知方式尤其是彼此的距离,本文旨在呼吁走向一种更为积极和更为尊重地方性知识的地形学与环境设计。 The author of this essay begins with a quotidian understanding what topography is all about, by looking at a hilly ridge through a back window. Having carefully analyzed the differences of topography for land surveyors geographers, city planners and ordinary people, and exposed the gap between the academic world and daily life. the author of this essay pleas for a more humble and proactive attitude in planning and design towards land form, landscape, and not to forget, the local knowledge of a place.
出处 《建筑师》 2011年第3期105-111,共7页 The Architect
关键词 地形 地貌学 城市规划 地方性知识 topography geomorphology city planning local knowledge
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