
ICU医护沟通与协作的现状与思考 被引量:6

Current Situations and Opinions about the Communication and Collaboration between Physicians and Nursers in the ICU
摘要 许多研究表明ICU医护之间的沟通与协作存在重大问题,特别是在临终决策中存在分歧。护士的作用经常被忽视。加强医护之间的沟通与协作有助于提高医疗质量并改善医护、患者及家庭满意度。许多旨在改善沟通与协作的措施已经证实有效并可应用于临床实践,并应对此进行更深一步的研究。 A lot of studies have showed that there were major problems in the communication and collaboration between physicians and nursers, especially the dissension on the end--of--life decision making. The roles of the nurses were often neglected. Improvement of the collaboration and communication can result in more appropriate care and improving the sat- isfaction between the physicians/nurses, patients, and families. Many measures that aim to improve collaboration and communication have been confirmed to be effective and can be applicated in the clinical practice,and more profounded researches about this issue should be conducted.
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2011年第6期75-76,共2页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
关键词 加强治疗病房 医生 护士 沟通 协作 intensive care unit, physician, nurse, communication, collaboration
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