
基于FPGA的两相步进电机细分驱动器设计 被引量:2

Design of Two-phase Micro-step Driver Based on FPGA
摘要 针对两相混合式仪用步进电机,为了提高其步进精度,该文提出了一种基于现场可编程门阵列的高性能的步进电机细分驱动器设计方案。在现场可编程门阵列中嵌入了cos/sin表,通过查表精确地控制步进电机两相绕组电流,实现了步进电机的高精度细分驱动控制,提高了步进电机的运行精度,消除了步进电机的低频振荡现象。同时,斩波控制电路的数字逻辑部分集成到现场可编程门阵列内部,极大提高了驱动器的集成度和稳定性。 In order to improve the step accuracy of two-phase hybrid stepping motors used for instruments,this paper presents a high-performance stepping motor driver design based on field programmable gate array(FPGA).The micro-step driver with high precision can be realized by applying cos/sin look-up tables embedded in FPGA to control the winding current accurately.The diver can improve the running precision of stepping motor and also eliminate the low-frequency oscillation phenomenon.Meanwhile,the system's integration and stability were greatly improved because the digital logic circuits of the chopper were embedded into FPGA.
作者 任勇 张文超
出处 《杭州电子科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2011年第2期21-24,共4页 Journal of Hangzhou Dianzi University:Natural Sciences
关键词 步进电机 细分驱动 现场可编程门阵列 stepping motor micro-step FPGA
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